Oakville Homes

October 24, 2010

Monday – “D” day (Developer Day) Who’s side are you on????


Tomorrow is the big day when we find out whether or not Halton, Milton and Oakville are going to be run by the developers or by the taxpayer.  Will Peter Gilgan of Mattamy Homes get to work on his next billion or, will he and the rest of the developers have to pay their own way?  It’s up to the voter to determine this.

In the Toronto Star they had an article on Milton and those running for Mayor.  Mayor Krantz, self descibed as “an old country boy” is blaming the province for lagging in the enlargement of the local hospital, required due to the large development happening up there.  He is committed to keeping property taxes low, even though he borrows money from Mattamy to build more infrastructure to handle the development Mattamy and other builders are doing.  Hmmm…. won’t the taxpayer have to repay this loan from Mattamy?  The other three are at least asking who is going to pay for all this development with Candidate Gerry Marsh at least coming out and saying they should challenge the developers.  He, at least, believes the infrastructure should be in place for future growth.  I am sure he would support the development charges that have been put in place.

In Oakville, I am sure we are all aware of who supports Mattamy and the developers.  Mulvale isn’t shy about accepting their donations to private causes and even being seen in public with Gilgan during her election campaign.  Kind of obvious who her friends are.

But what about the taxpayer.  Halton pushed for the development charges and the industry fought back.  Especially Mattamy and their busloads.  Who do you want this time around?  Those who fought the developers and won or, those who support the developers making money off the taxpayer.  Developers who break environmental laws meant to protect local citizens (Like Mattamy in Ottawa – illegal berm and in Milton – construction on toxic land)?

Myself, I want to say to my children – I did my part to protect your future. 

 They know how Mattamy put them at risk with the illegal wiring and the Town of Oakville did nothing.  But that was back in the day of “developer run” Halton with Mulvale as Mayor.  I say, let’s give those who went after the developers another 4 years to show their stuff and get us back on the road to prosperity and reasonable taxes.  Only way to do it is to ensure the developer pays their way.  You don’t get to be a billionaire paying your share.  Kind of like the guy who gets you to pick up the coffee all the time coming to work.

If we don’t vote and if we do vote, vote for the developer sponsored group, we have no one but ourselves to blame for the increased taxes for infrastructure, the ruined environment and for the way of life you moved here for in the first place.  Unless, of course, you like Halton to become “Condo Row” like in Toront0.  Maybe flood the property alongside the lake with large condo’s and you can pay for the view. 

Ah yes, no life like it.

P.S.  If you follow this link to the Toronto Star, you’ll see I’m not the only one who thinks this way…..
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September 23, 2010

Ann Mulvale – her past reflects a future.


In my September 18th blog I mentioned it was odd that a candidate for office would mention that they lived in a “Mattamy” home. A reader commented that I was unfair as this is a local custom in Cambridge.  I appreciate the clarification but, it shows how your resume and actions can be interpreted differently depending on the local of the reader/observer.  And, for a politician, one should be very aware of how their actions and written word can be interpreted and that the internet gives a somewhat  permanency to one’s actions.

In the case of Oakville and the upcoming election, the candidates are trying to show how their past will reflect on their future actions.  Burton points out that he has maintained the taxes over the last four years and has made the developers pay their share of development costs.  This is fact.

Ann Mulvale also has a past record.  As past president of the “Association of Municipalities of Ontario” she is on record with the following statement:  “our vision of Ontario includes autonomous,accountable and accessible municipalities“.

Well, in my case, I did get access to Oakville and the town council and I had a chance to bring my case forward.  I just found it odd that, as mayor, Mulvale got involved early in the process at the committee level and seemed to want to have the matter disappear before it got to council.  In the end, with her vote and the vote of others on council, Mattamy was NOT held accountable for the illegal (code) wiring that put my children at risk and allowed what should have been considered an illegal sale and, the inspector who passed the furnace with the illegal wiring was not disciplined.  Where was the accountability?

According to Chris Stoate,  a candidate in the 2006 election for Mayor of Oakville, “he pushed through – over the Mayor’s objection – a project to protect Oakville’s trees”.  To me, that shows Mulvale as someone more interested in the developers than for our natural environment in Oakville.  Trees block access to land to be developed.

Recently, ” Former mayor Ann Mulvale pledged Tuesday to appoint an independent auditor general, if elected as mayor, to bring greater transparency to the Town’s finances“, if elected.  There was an investigation of my illegal wiring issue and a report submitted by the investigator.  I never received a copy of this report.  Why is she so hot to hire, at extra expense, an auditor when she doesn’t share the outcome of reports submitted.  She didn’t show any accountability on this matter.

And she is on record as being against “development charges” and supports Ford in the selling of land to Transcanada for a mega-power plant.  What about those who live adjacent to this power plant?  For her, development is prime.

No, Ann Mulvale has earned her nickname “on the street”.  Asphalt Annie is very pro-development and, in my case, allowed an infraction by a builder and recommendations to prevent further occurrences to be pushed off to the province without any admonishment of Mattamy nor the inspector.  No accountability there and, Mattamy got to donate to Wellspring – at the request of Ann Mulvale. So, the optics on this one show a different picture than the fantasy she is putting to the voter.

So, in the upcoming elections do you want a developer run council (i.e. Mattamy et al) or a taxpayer run council?  It is your choice.  Mattamy has shown its preference by bringing in bus loads of workers to sway council votes. 

With a developer supported council, they will save on the bus rentals.
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