Oakville Homes

July 3, 2011

“One Day That Defines Us.” – Mattamy style


That “One Day That Defines Us.” was the main point on the two page centre spread Mattamy ad in the Toronto Star.  Yes, they were talking about Canada Day – July 1st.  And, they even wish everyone a Happy Canada Day on behalf of the 50,000 Canadian Mattamy homeowners.

I doubt they included me in that figure or a bunch of others.

See, the “One Day That Defines Us.” was actually the closing day and PDI day some of us have had with Mattamy.  For me, it was all on one day.  Nice to put the bad news all together I guess.  This really defined what kind of company Mattamy really was in my books.  A company that donates money to places like the Town of Oakville and in return – nothing is done about some of the illegal acts they commit.

Take my illegal wiring for instance – please.  In order to sell the house they illegally wired the furnace to the house next door – that defined to me what kind of company Mattamy really was.  In Ottawa, they did illegal terra forming.  Bracebridge – built homes with flooding basements.  Cambridge – destroyed a wetland.

Yes, all these have “defined” the moment for me and others.

And, this is a company that got Peter Gilgan “Entrepreneur of the Year“, awarded by Ernst and Young.  One wonders just what kind of values some organizations value when they honour those who have done what I have described above.  Based on this, Al Capone should have received this award.  Even BILD gives out awards for quality when in fact we have a plethora of issues in terms of Mattamy quality.  Based on what I see with Mattamy quality, this must mean the other builders are REALLY BAD…..

Speaking of which.

Went to a party recently where most of the party goers were in fact Mattamy home owners.  Was not pretty.  Seems I’m not the only one who has received the sharp end of the Mattamy shaft.  Just the most vocal.  Sharing Mattamy horror stories was not conducive to the party mood.  I’m just glad I wasn’t the one who started the conversation.  They too find the Town of Oakville Building Department somewhat lax in dealing with Mattamy.

Oh well.  Hope you had a good Canada Day.

My good memories are certainly not defined by my Mattamy experience.

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* The above is intended to show the reader examples of how to obtain a house inspector, no matter which builder you buy from. Remember, awards and advertising are designed to make you buy, not ensure you quality. We’ve shown that awards are not the standard on which to base your decision on. My use of my experiences are not made to embarass Mattamy Homes or Peter Gilgan but, are used because they are based on fact and show the larger picture that a house inspector is a requirement when buying a house, new or old from any builder. My experience only shows that in fact it can happen and is a fact of life. Your experiences with Mattamy may have differed.

July 1, 2010

“Mulvale Returns” – A new Mattamy sponsored horror movie?


Canada Day – I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Canada Day today and, if you’re lucky to have Friday and the weekend off – have a good time and enjoy.

I originally wasn’t going to put out a blog today but two points came up.

One:  June 25th was my 2nd year anniversary with this blog. 

 My 4th wedding anniversary is coming up.  Hope I don’t remember that after the date.  🙂   

I’d just like to thank those who are taking the time to read it and, to thank those who draw my attention to information or send me facts.  All much appreciated.

Second:  I see  “Asphalt Annie” is back in the political fray.  She announced that she was going to run for the Mayor of Oakville in the upcoming election.

“Asphalt Annie”?  To her friends and the developers, she is known as Ann Mulvale, former mayor of Oakville.

In her statement she stated the following:

“What I’m hearing is residents have noticed change.”

Yes, that’s right Ann.  We have seen change and the developers don’t like it.  We now stand up to them and say – pay your own freight if you want to make money here, not the taxpayer.  Most taxpayers, except those reaping in the money from developers, do like the change.  Why not you?

“Mulvale said the community has expressed great concern about Ward 5 Councillor Jeff Knoll, who for two years in a row has received no appointments to committees (other than mandatory appointments like the administrative services committee).” 

 I have no ill feelings against Jeff but maybe he isn’t on some committees for maybe being too close to developers like Mattamy.  Was he not involved in getting Mattamy to do work on a local historical society parking lot, or was that BOT and Mattamy helped with the renovation?  A nice thing to have happen but at what cost.  How will he vote when Mattamy asks for something?

We know how Ann Mulvale voted when we had a complaint against Mattamy.  It’s on public record.  You know the one where they sold me the house with illegal (code) wiring and nothing happened to Mattamy.  A report was done – never seen by me and, nothing became of it.  Maybe Ann was doing her “famous” behind the scenes negotiations.

Yeah, that’s right.  She wrangled some funding for her Wellspring project.  I guess that was more important than dealing with an issue that put children’s lives at risk.

Working behind the scenes?  Read this clip: 

“On the TransCanada power plant issue, Mulvale said she has already been working behind the scenes and making connections with many of the leaders involved.” 

 Meanwhile, the incumbant, Rob Burton, has been very vocal in his opposition.  We know where he stands but Mulvale is working in secret behind everyone’s back.  Just like she did on my complaint.  And you know where that got me?

“Democracy is served by choice; I am privileged to be part of your choice on Oct. 25.”

Yes, Ann, democracy is served by choice and we’ve seen your choices in the past.  I must admit you have aligned yourself with some good causes – good publicity there but you’ve also aligned yourself too close to the developers in the past and allowed them advantages they should never had been given.  I can’t tell you all about Mattamy due to the gag order but when you consider you let it go by and did nothing about the illegal electrical problem, it showed you felt that Mattamy’s goals were more important than the safety of my children. 

You’ve helped me make my choice for October 25th and it doesn’t include “Asphalt Annie” and her developer cohorts. 

Oh, and by the way.  You can expect me handing out information brochures as part of my right to protest at the various political forums I am sure you will attend.  I think the public deserves to know the Mattamy story and your involvement – another right of Democracy.  But, don’t worry.  Unlike the Black Bloc of the G20, I don’t intend to break windows or cause any problems.  Just do a peaceful protest under my democratic right to do so.  See you there.

Regarding the media report on your announcement.  Here are some comments by those who read the story.  Verrrrrry interestink.

I want Burton

I guess you dont follow politics that closely – the rally at Queens Park was sponsored by C4CA – not Burton. Burton does feel that the power plant should be stopped. Following politics you should know of the action plan for the Oakville Clarkson airshed that was just released (commissioned by the Liberal government) that states that the air in this area is extremly polluted and heavily stressed – its recommnedations include – no new emmissions in the area and no power plant. Asphalt Annie as she was known because of her tendancy to sell out the Town to developers would like to sell out the town to transcanada – she is about money money and money – not about the towns people – never has been – never will – thats why she has not actual taken a stance on the power plant other then saying she si working behind the scene. Burton has not alienated Ford – Ford – the corporation – has alienated the Town by selling their lands to a massive polluter an unsafe location for a massive power plant – Are we as towns pe

Welcoem back Anne

As a follower of poltical goings ons here in Oakville and across the GTA I am glad Mulvale is back. lets examine the Burton record. His cronies were secretly appointed to well paying hydro board jobs. I saw where Burton beat up on the developers, shut out a Councillor by not appointing him to committees, ran down the farming community and beat them up publicly. Then he takes school kids to Queens Park where he gets them to chant “TCE sucks”. He has alienated the workers at Ford by getitng rid of his Oakville built car. That is the type of leader you want? Mr Burton, I say don’t let the door hit your egotistical ass on the way out the door

Burton still has my vote.

Burton still has my vote.

Mulvale is a danger

She sold this Town out to developers when she was in office. She has already written letters to the Editor pointing out that we shouldnt be down on Ford for them selling their land to TransCanada. She says she is working behind the scenes on the TransCanada issue but doesnt come out and say she is against it….my guess is she is for it because she is all about selling out. I would vote for an carbon rod before I voted for her to come back into power –


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