Oakville Homes

November 16, 2011

Mattamy (Gilgan) and Ont. Potato Dist.Co. (Cappuccitti) – birds of a feather?????


Did your parents ever tell you not to play or hang around with certain people?  People whom they thought would be a bad influence on you?  I think most people did.  Some of us didn’t listen and would sneak out to meet these people because they were probably fun to be with.  Some of us survived these experiences with minimal impact on our future lives while others it seems continued and increased their wayward ways.

I kind of wish my parents had warned me about Mattamy and some of their practices.  But, I learned the hard way – like most of us do.

There is a guy living in Etobicoke who has flimflamed a number of elderly people out of their life savings.  Did it based on their trust of this individual.  We’re not talking peanuts here but over $100k.  Hard to find him these days but word has it (from him and other sources) that he is/was busy working “under the table” with the Cappuccitti family in the potato business.  What he is doing is anyones guess but a call to the company elicits a denial that he works there – contrary to what he said.  But then, if you’re paying someone “under the table” why would you admit he works for you?  Last thing you need is the Revenue people sniffing around and checking up on the “cash flow”.

Now, the Ontario Potato Distributing Company, who may or may not have this individual working for them,  has had at least a couple of brushes with the law for minor infractions under the “Canada Agricultural Products Act”.  Seems they were caught trying to flog out of province potatoes (PEI) as being Ontario home-grown.  They were convicted on August 14, 2008 for $6,000 and on November 24, 2009 for $2,000.  Seems they are slow learners or their knowledge of what a potato looks like is somewhat limited in scope.  Maybe potatoes aren’t their main source of income – who knows.

This is the same company that is doing business with Mattamy Homes, in New Tecumseth, whom we know for a fact was convicted in Ottawa for illegal berms, has allowed illegal wiring in order to sell a home, begun construction on land covered in human waste and a number of other infractions.  I should add they have also been victims of fraud – so they know what it is like.

Seems that Mattamy Homes and the Ontario Potato Distributing Company are birds of the same feather , so to speak.  Buddies in small infractions against the law.  I guess that would make them good business partners but, maybe they should listen to their parents and not be involved as god only knows what further infractions this duo of crime could get involved in the future.

I mean – I was subjected to bully boys in my dealings with Mattamy.  Members of the Cappuccitti family were convicted in a “plot to kill boxer Eddie Melo and Frank Natale Road of King City”  One was even described as “a dangerous psychopathic personality who led the conspiracy”.

Great bedfellows I’d say.  I wish the elected officials in New Tecumseth good luck in dealing with this tag team.

I like what Don  Rickles is purported to have stated, ” I think Congressmen (politicians) should wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers so we can identify their corporate sponsors.”  It certainly would have helped me when I brought my complaint before the Town of Oakville council – something they didn’t even have the guts to apologize about.  But then, they probably listened to their lawyers – apology would mean they had to admit they did it.

Myself, if you find me in a potato field looking like a cabbage patch doll, you know where to start investigating.  🙂

Note: To Mattamy and Cappuccitti lawyers – if there is anything here which is not fact, let me know and I’ll make adjustments.  I think you’ll find all in order though.  Remember why you became a lawyer –  “Truth can sometimes hurt” but it isn’t wrong to tell it.

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* The above is intended to show the reader examples of how to obtain a house inspector, no matter which builder you buy from. Remember, awards and advertising are designed to make you buy, not ensure you quality. We’ve shown that awards are not the standard on which to base your decision on. My use of my experiences are not made to embarass Mattamy Homes or Peter Gilgan but, are used because they are based on fact and show the larger picture that a house inspector is a requirement when buying a house, new or old from any builder. My experience only shows that in fact it can happen and is a fact of life. Your experiences with Mattamy may have differed.

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