Oakville Homes

October 2, 2008

Mattamy gives unethical sale – CountryWide gives a free car – you choose

If you have been following the Mattamy Homes debacle in Ottawa through the “Mattamy Fairwinds Kanata Phase 5 Delay Blog”  you will have read the following:  “As a consumer I have greater protection when buying a thirty thousand dollar car than I do when buying a three hundered thousand dollar home. It is time home buyers where afforded reasonable protection within the province of Ontario.”

Well, it seems at least one builder has decided to give you that car protection by throwing in, yes, throwing in a brand new car (KIA) with warranty if you purchase one of their homes fully loaded with upgrades (standard).  CountryWide homes , whom I really can’t comment on regarding their service and quality as I have no experience with them, has decided to give potential buyers something of true value to entice them to buy a home.  In the October 2nd, 2008 Toronto Star on page HC 8 there is an add that refers you to a website for further information. 

And how will Mattamy Homes fight this – donate more to a local politician or actually produce a home on time with quality workmanship.  In lieu of the free car, I think a few Mattamy Home’s owners would settle for just that.  But, I give cudos to CountryWide for coming up with something of a very positive nature to stimulate sales.  It is at least worth a look see.

I wonder if Ford, who has quality and sales problems will offer a new house with the purchase of a SUV.  On the quality issue, Ford and Mattamy would make a beautiful partnership.